Specialist in Orthodontics, Dental Aesthetics and Restorative Dentistry
License number: 7480
Diploma in Aesthetic Odontology, Athenea Dental Institute, Spain (2017)
Official Master in Orthodontics and Dental-facial Orthopaedics, Athenea Dental Institute, Spain (2016)
Degree in Odontology, International University of Catalonia, Spain (2016)
Post-graduate in Advanced Orthodontics CSW Level I, Ladent Center of Orhodontics and ATM, Spain (2016)
Course in Micro-implants in orthodontics, Sardac Technique, Ladent Center of Orhodontics and ATM, Spain (2015)
Clear Aligner certificate, Ladent Center of Orhodontics and ATM, Spain (2014)
Completed first year of Higher Degree of Dental Prosthesis, Ramón y Cajal School, Spain (2011)
Professional activity
Practice in Restoration and Orthodontics, Badalona and Barcelona (Spain)
Educational activity
Mentor of the University Clinic of Odontology, International University of Catalonia, Spain (2015-2016)
Echarri J, Echarri P. La estética extraoral del paciente con SAHOS (Extra-oral aesthetics of the patient with SAHOS). Clinical monographs in orthodontics. (Pending publication).
Echarri P, Pedernera M, Campoy MA, Echarri J. (Principles of the CSW technique. Brackets and direct and indirect cementing). México. Odontología Books. 2016
Echarri P, Pedernera M, Pérez-Campoy MA, Echarri J. Customizing the prescription with indirect bonding technique without set-up models. Accurate Bracket Positioner. J Japan Ling Orthod Assoc (JJLOA) 2014;21(2):2-9
Echarri P, Pedernera M, Echarri J, Bass R. Actualización en el protocolo de los casos tratados con ortodoncia y cirugía ortognática. (Updating in the protocol of cases treated with orthodontics and orthognathic surgery). Cúspide 2914;17(29):19-24